Meet Girlboss Founder and CEO Sophia Amoruso

Girlboss founder and CEO Sophia Amoruso is not afraid to share a lot of her life on social media. It’s not that surprising when the networking platform pioneer has made taking risks and some public stumbles into steppingstones on her path to becoming a wiser and better leader. You might find her speaking at an event or recording a podcast, forgetting to document her vacation because she had that much fun, snuggling with her “floor fairies” (aka her three toy poodles) or letting you in on her afternoon matcha pick-me-up.

Still, when Melinda Fulmer spoke to Amoruso for our cover story, we wanted her to fill in a few gaps. Even in Amoruso’s exciting life, there’s something to which we can all relate.

24Life: First thing you do in the morning?

Sophia Amoruso: Look at my phone.

24Life: Last thing you do at night?

SA (wrinkling nose): Um … the last thing I do at night is look at my phone.

24Life: Is there a food that you can’t live without?

SA: The food I can’t live without is actually this amazing chocolate protein shake that I make at home with 100 percent cacao powder and cashew milk and Lakanto sugar. It’s very good.

24Life: Power music?

SA: My power music is heavy metal.

24Life: OK, we have to ask. Artist?

SA: Black Sabbath.

24Life: You travel a ton. Do you have a secret for arriving refreshed?

SA: My two travel tips would be to have a bag of toiletries just ready to go, duplicates to throw in your suitcase. And always bring fluffy airplane socks. Because bringing your own socks is like oh, I’m in a spa.

24Life: Top stressor and surefire stress buster?

SA: My top stressor would be the unknown. And the way I deal with it is usually eating food!

24Life: If you had 24 minutes to work out, what would you do?

SA: I would stretch, get on the treadmill for a little bit and do deadlifts and squats. When I say I get on the treadmill, I mean I walk. I hate running. I don’t have the patience for it. (Check out 24GO for a Girlboss-inspired Daily Challenge.)

Photo credit: Emma McIntyre