The Six-Move Body-Weight Workout To Do Anywhere—Hotel, Beach, Home or Gym

Here is a body-weight workout that you can do anywhere at any time just using the mass of your own body. Imagine getting to a hotel and not wanting to head to the gym. You can do this workout in your hotel room. You could do this workout at home, at the beach and, yes, even at the gym!
The warm-up is designed to increase circulation by moving fluids throughout the body.

Fundamental Get-Up
Reps/Sets: 3 sets; 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest
- Start facedown in a prone position on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. Your feet should be hip-width apart.
- Push yourself off the floor, and at the same time, bring your left foot toward the outside of your shoulder.
- Use your legs to push the ground away and stand up. If you can’t get up with one foot, walk both feet in first.
- Reverse the sequence to return to the starting position. Alternate which leg is leading the get-up after each rep.
- Perform this drill for three sets of 30 seconds, resting 30 seconds in between.
Jumping Jack
Reps/Sets: 3 sets; 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest
- Start with your hands at your sides and feet hip-width apart.
- Jump with both feet wider than hip width, and at the same time, reach both hands overhead. Think of it as a jumping “snow angel.”
- Jump your feet back together and drive your hands down.
- Perform this for three sets of 30 seconds, resting 15 seconds in between sets.

Reps/Sets: 10 reps each side
- Start in a seated position with one leg folded under your opposite hip and both hands on the ground in front of you. Your opposite leg will be straight.
- Press your chest as far as you can and hold for a count of two. Then return to resting. Repeat 10 times each side.
Ground-Up Push-Up
Reps/Sets: 2 sets to fatigue, 60 seconds of rest
- Start lying in a prone position, with both hands slightly wider than shoulder width and your feet hip width, toes on the ground.
- Push yourself up off the ground to come to the top of a push-up (or extended plank) position, then return to the starting position. Repeat this as many times as you can.
- Rest 60 seconds and then try it for two more sets.

Reps/Sets: 3 sets; AMRAP in 45 seconds, 45 seconds of rest
- Start in a standing position with both feet wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes slightly turned out.
- Sit your hips back as you lower yourself toward the ground, bending your knees and keeping your chest lifted.
- Come as low as you can (butt to knee height), then stand back up by pushing the ground away from you.
- Perform this exercise for 45 seconds without stopping. Rest 45 seconds and do three total sets.
Core War
Reps/Sets: 3 sets, 10 reps; 1 minute of rest
- If you have one, stand close to a wall. Get in an athletic ready position and put both hands against the wall.
- Press your hands into the wall as if you are trying to hold it up. Press into the wall for three seconds at about a 50 percent effort.
- Then relax and stand up. Reset.
- Go again. Each battle for the war is 10 reps.
- Then allow one minute to rest. Repeat for three sets.
Note: If you don’t have a wall, press your hands in front of your chest as if you were pressing into a wall. This will still activate your core.

V-Sit Balance
Reps/Sets: Hold for 60 seconds
- Sit on your tailbone and elevate your feet off the ground. Straighten your legs.
- Try to actively reach your arms toward the ceiling. Hold for as long as you can.
- If you lose balance, reset and start again. The goal is to try to hold it for 60 seconds.
Lateral Lunge With Chest Reach
Reps/Sets: 3 sets, 20 reps; 20 seconds of rest
- Stand with your feet under your hips, hands at your sides.
- Step to the right with your right leg and load into your right hip as you sit your hips back into a lunge. At the same time, reach both hands forward at the height of your chest.
- Push the ground away and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Do this for 20 total reps, then rest 60 seconds between sets for a total of three sets.

Reps/Sets: 2 sets, 10 reps each side
- Lie on your stomach with your hands on the ground and your feet hip-width apart. Reach your right foot behind your opposite hip and toward your left hand.
- Turn your head away from the reaching leg. Return to the start and then do the opposite side.
- Repeat 10 times each side and do two sets total.
Hip-Flexor Stretch
- Start in a half-kneeling position with one knee on the ground and the other foot out in front of you.
- Slowly shift your weight forward to get a stretch in the front of your hip. Do this stretch for 20 to 30 seconds and then switch to the opposite side. Repeat three times each side.

Krista Jacobs is a personal trainer and Group X instructor at 24 Hour Fitness in Southern California. Jacobs, who teaches STRONG by Zumba, Zumba and Les Mills BODYPUMP, took time out of her busy schedule to answer these burning questions from 24Life.
24Life: Why did you become a group fitness instructor and personal trainer?
Krista Jacobs: I became a group fitness instructor because it’s what started my fitness journey. It’s what took me out of my comfort zone. And it’s the same thing that I want to do for someone else. I just recently become a personal trainer. It’s an exciting yet nerve-racking adventure.
But in my fitness journey, I didn’t have anyone to lead me to where I wanted to be. I had to make that journey by myself. And I feel like if I was led properly, I could have achieved my goals faster. I want to be that person for someone, because I know what the struggle is like, what the fight is like on your own. I want to be able to reach my hand out and help somebody else achieve their goals more quickly.
24Life: Favorite and least favorite workout move?
KJ: My favorite now has become push-ups, because of the journey from not being able to do push-ups to now I can. I don’t think that I have a least favorite, because I like the challenge of everything, and everything that I once didn’t like, I enjoy now.
24Life: Finish the sentence “When I’m not working out, I am…”
KJ: Hanging out with my kids.
24Life: Your favorite fit tip?
KJ: Just try it. Never underestimate yourself. You’ll never know how much you’re capable of doing something until you try it. No matter what—whether it’s nutrition or a workout move—start it and just grow from there. We always stop ourselves because we think we can’t, and then we never see how far we can go.
24Life: Favorite memory as an instructor or trainer, so far?
KJ: My most-memorable moment would be with a few students that I’ve had who started in the back of the class and now are instructors and hoping to audition soon for 24 Hour Fitness.
24Life: This summer, what’s one thing you wish every client knew?
KJ: Something that I would remind people would be to enjoy the summer. We’re so set on trying to look a certain way or to feel a certain way, we forget to enjoy it, and then summer is over, and you’re frustrated because maybe you didn’t get to where you wanted to be. So just enjoy the summer.

Video credit: helivideo, Getty Images
Photo credit: criene, Getty Images
GIFs: Tom Casey,
Hair and make-up: Chanel
Model: Krista Jacobs, 24 Hour Fitness