This Five-Move, Five-Minute Workout Will Boost Your Heart Rate and Your Energy

man doing squats on trail near water outside

Here is a fun little workout that you can complete at any time of the day. It is short, it is fast and it is very effective. It does not require any equipment and can be done in less than five minutes to re-energize you.

This program is intended to drive your heart rate up and challenge your lactate threshold. If you are new to fitness, try doing one move for 30 seconds and take a 60-second break before moving on to the next. Perform one round. As you become more efficient, you can start to move faster and progress to a higher number of rounds.

The moves:


Perform each movement for 30 seconds before switching to the next one. Try to complete two full rounds in five minutes. If you have 10 minutes, do four rounds without stopping.

Diver Push-Up

V-Sit Toe Touch

Side Sit Switch

Bear Crawl

Drop Squat Jump

Photo credit: AzmanJaka, Getty Images; Tom Casey,
Model: Benedict Meneses, 24 Hour Fitness


Benedict Meneses is a Master Trainer at 24 Hour Fitness Torrance Del Amo Super Sport in Southern California. He took time out of his busy schedule to answer these burning questions from 24Life.

24Life: Why did you become a personal trainer?

BM: I became a personal trainer because my coaches growing up, whether it was basketball, baseball or jujitsu, I know how much they impacted my life and I wanted to pay it forward.

24Life: Favorite and least favorite workout move?

BM: My favorite workout move is probably box jumps, or jumps, vertical jumps in general. My least favorite is balancing.

24Life: Finish the sentence “When I’m not working out, I am…”

BM: I’m usually hanging out with my family and doing fun things outside.

24Life: Your favorite fit tip?

BM: It’s never all or nothing; it’s some or more. Nothing should never be an option.

24Life: Your power/pump-up song?

BM: Nipsy Hussle’s “Hussle and Motivate.”

24Life: Favorite memory as a trainer, so far?

BM: One of my favorite memories since I became a trainer is of my client Pauline. Just about a year-and-a-half ago she could barely stand up for more than two minutes without her lower back hurting and things of that sort. After going to the doctor and getting cleared, we started working together. Now she can do multiple pull-ups. She can knock out 15 push-ups. We even have this little fun drill where she will be in the middle of a session and I say “fire drill,” and she has to get on the floor and knock out ten quick push-ups. She could barely hold herself up in a plank for more than ten seconds, and now she’s doing push-ups.

24Life: This summer, what’s one thing you wish every client knew?

BM: I like to tell my clients that, one, they’re going to definitely have to move more. Two, stay hydrated. And three, a lot of people know what to do. You probably know that the double cheeseburger is not going to be better than a chicken salad. So you know what to do; it’s time to do what you know.