The 24 Hour Fitness Blog

Welcome to the YEAR OF YOU

February 10, 2015

Whether you hit the ground running or you haven’t quite gotten started on your health and fitness goals, sooner or later we each could use a little help toward our best self – the one that’s ready to achieve everything each of us wants. So every week this month we’ll share new tips to get the most from each moment – and make it count.

It all starts with your mindset, and that’s more than your feelings about fitness.



Tip 1: Choose To Change

The first step to getting somewhere is deciding that you are not going to stay where you are. Take a good look, be compassionate about how you got there, then turn your focus to where you want to go.

Tip 2: Celebrate Small Wins

Dedicate five minutes a day to keeping notes about your body—track measurements if that motivates you, keep a food journal or workout log, or jot sweet notes about what great things your body accomplished that day. Reflecting on small, daily victories will help you build tangible momentum.

Tip 3: Detox Your Thoughts

Just as it’s important to cleanse our bodies and de-clutter our homes, our minds require maintenance.  Our unconscious is always buzzing with thoughts that either help us or drag us down. Spending time in silence and meditation can train awareness, enhance our ability to listen and help us focus on what matters most.

Tip 4: Get Curious

We live in our bodies, but there is so much we don’t know about how they work and why.  Follow your curiosity.  When you take the time to feel, think and observe the way you’re living your life, you’ll find the energy—and the knowledge—to change your habits for the better.

Tip 5: Bend Time

Taking time to be present and experience the moment, the day and everything around us brings perspective and a new approach to life management.  Suddenly, our “should” list becomes our “want to do” list.  And believe it or not, we can find time to do everything we want to do.

Tip 6: Take Your Own Pulse

A Google search on health and fitness shows a growing number of questions—and answers—for anyone pursuing a better life.  Yet, some things are too personal for science to be useful.  Take a moment to tune in to what your body and mind are saying.  You know more than you might think.
