The 24 Hour Fitness Blog

#GameChangers Series: Gabrielle Reece

by Lashaun Dale on April 9, 2015

Gabrielle “Gabby” Reece is a mom, world-class athlete, fitness icon and author—and a role model to women worldwide on fitness, good health and overall well-being for themselves and their entire family. She’s intensely committed to empowering people to take responsibility for their own health, not to mention serving as an example of real-life healthy living.

Lashaun Dale, Vice President, Group Exercise at 24 Hour Fitness asked Gabby about her inspirations and about HIGHX, her new high-intensity interval training format that’s designed to work for just about anyone. Gabby also shares how a day in her life is much like a day in the life of other busy women.

Lashaun Dale (LD): What are you most passionate about?

Gabrielle Reece (GR): Besides my family, I am most passionate about trying to figure out ways to stay healthy, and that includes a happy mind.  I have come to realize that you can eat clean and train consistently, but if you cannot find your own joy or happiness, it becomes a wash.  Having said that, I don't walk around dancing and claiming to be "oh so happy every moment," but to at least be living in the zone of more happiness and joy than not. 

LD: Where do you find inspiration for new ideas in health and fitness?

GR: I find new inspiration and information everywhere I look.  One thing really wonderful about the Internet is being able to see what so many others are doing in the health and fitness space.  I believe there are a million ways to get it done, and so many examples of people proving that.  I respect and enjoy the work of Kelly Starrett, Paul Chek, Jill Miller,  Mike Fitch with Animal Flow (I wish I could move like that), Gary Gray of Gray Institute, Brian MacKenzie, Wim Hof, Shawn Achor who writes about the science of happiness, and I could go on and on. Oh, and I can’t forget the eye candy fun of

LD: How does HIGHX help/work for people of different ages and physical abilities?

GR: HIGHX is a great platform for all ages, genders, and fitness levels.  By putting individuals on teams, they are able to work out with people like themselves on a team, but in a room with a very diverse group. Each team is like a capsule within the workout.  One team in front may be a male group lifting heavier weights, being followed by a team of women who use less weight, but then because they are oftentimes smaller, the women will thrive in the cardio stations.   Not to mention, since each team is doing something different, it takes away the comparison element.

LD: What's on your bedside table?

GR: I'm having some fun reading What the Dog Knows by Cat Warren, and a little heavier read with Art of Living: The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness, by Epictetus (a philosopher whom I would pay good money to say his name correctly).

LD: What's in your 24? Describe a typical day in your life? 

GR: My 24 is like everyone else's, too short. Wake up around 6:30, and I will tell you I am not a person who flies out of bed.  My husband wakes up when it's still dark and hits the road running.  I need a warm-up.  Make my girls their breakfast, get on them to get ready for school.  I will drop them at their classroom (the girls are home schooled), teach a HIGHX class, come home and do about three hours of email, phone and other business needs, drive the ladies to an activity or two, squeeze in about another two hours of email and work communication, struggle to figure out what to make for dinner, cook, clean up, discuss homework and showers, tighten up any loose ends, throw some laundry in and try to get to bed by 10.  I will watch hulu for comedy relief and this is a basic day.  There are days where I have shoots, or trainings or meetings, so that gets thrown in there and less home business is getting done on those days.

LD: Advice to the world in one sentence, or what quote has inspired you most?

GR: I have a few:

"To thine own self be true."

"No complaining, no explaining."

"When it's dark, look for the stars."

"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." 

I just like the idea of this quote in the matter of following one's heart. I believe in so many rules, but I think it's critical to follow one's own unique path. 

"Together we can."

"The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense." Thomas Edison

Editor’s note: Gabrielle Reece will teach HIGHX at select 24 Hour Fitness locations below. Capacity is limited, so please call the club in advance to reserve your spot—check for club contact details.

  • April 17, 6:30 p.m. 24 Hour Fitness Castle Hills Super Sport, Lewisville, TX
  • April 18, 10:30 a.m. 24 Hour Fitness Fort Worth Horne Sport, Ft. Worth, TX 
  • April 19, 10:30 a.m. 24 Hour Fitness Pflugerville Super Sport, Pflugerville, TX
  • April 25, 11:00 a.m. 24 Hour Fitness Parker Arapahoe Super Sport, Aurora, CO