The 24 Hour Fitness Blog


February 16, 2015

You know who your best self is—the you who is ready to achieve everything you desire. We’re here to help you get there, get the most from each moment, and make each moment count.

Last time we offered tips on mindset, This time, we stoke your motivation—literally—with tips on how to nourish yourself.

Tip 1: Go Whole Hog

Food is meant to provide energy and direct your body’s functions. Unfortunately, much food today is actually not food, but a cocktail of chemicals our bodies can’t process. Choose whole foods, and avoid refined processed concoctions.

Tip 2: Find Your Fuel

From our fingerprints to our organ shape and size, our bodies are unique in almost every way. No one diet (or exercise program) fits all, and yet there are best practices that, fine-tuned over time, can optimize results for your body’s needs. Taking time to get a professional analysis takes the guesswork out of what’s for dinner.

Tip 3: Let it Flow

Water constitutes more than two-thirds of our body weight and is critical to every bodily function. It doesn’t take much effort to improve hydration, especially when you begin to recognize your body’s messages, such as dry skin, headaches and hunger as well as thirst.

Tip 4: Mix it Up

What you eat matters as well as how much, when and how you eat. Mixing up your macronutrients (carbs, protein and fats) to match the demands on your body is key to optimizing performance and metabolism. Variety in micronutrients enables your body to produce enzymes and hormones for healthy growth.

Tip 5: Kick the Sugar Habit

More and more medical, nutritional and health professionals are agreeing that our bodies cannot properly use and metabolize all of the sugar in our diets. It’s time to look to other natural great-tasting foods to sweeten up our lives.

Tip 6: Make it Super

While there is no legal or medical definition, “superfoods” tend to be nutrient-dense foods high in antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. Superfoods may or may not help you live longer, but they do have more energy in every bite, which matters when you are working to get your body in peak performance.

Find more ideas for nourishment in 24Life, our new, free fitness and lifestyle magazine. Download the magazine from the App Store and Google Play. Issues are delivered every 2 months. Let us know what you think on Twitter - @24hourfitness, #24Life!
