The 24 Hour Fitness Blog

Get a Move on Your YEAR OF YOU

February 23, 2015

Move on up to your best self - the you who is ready to achieve everything you desire. We’ll help you walk, run, or dance there, stretch to reach it, get the most from each moment, and make each moment count.

So far, we’ve featured tips on mindset and nourishment to fuel your best you. This time, we focus on movement.





Tip 1: Move Daily

Our bodies are meant to move. Often. And while it’s great to show up at the gym, what’s more critical is that we move for at least 30 minutes out of every day. Need a reason? Try increased energy, circulation, ability to focus, digestion and improved health and fitness, to name a few.

Tip 2: Find a New Groove

Our bodies crave variety. It’s better for our muscles, our bones and our brains. In fact, recent findings in neuroscience show that we can change our brain by simply adding a new challenge to our lives. Time to bust out of that safe zone and try something new.

Tip 3: Stand Up

Too much sitting is not a friend to our posture, health or fitness goals. Remind yourself to take a posture break every day—get away from your desk, chair or screen to move about, stretch a bit and release physical tension.

Tip 4: Stretch Your Body

Flexibility and mobility are critical survival skills in our lives, and even more for our bodies. Build time into your workout to warm up, stretch and focus on your freedom of motion. Simple daily practices are the key to long-term success.

Tip 5: Challenge Your Muscles

We are not born strong. We grow strong as a result of the challenges we overcome. Strength requires that we show up consistently and put our bodies through the rhythms of resistance. The rewards are immense, from improved physical appearance to performance, bone density and self-efficacy.

Tip 6: Put One Foot Forward

It’s easy to let a fear of failing get in the way of trying. But to achieve a new way of living, the best advice is simply begin. Start with one habit at a time and stick with it, get support and gain momentum towards where you want to go. Everything else will follow.


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